This is the journey of stroke warrior Sameer Bhide. He is a Stroke Warrior who has had a great recovery and continues to make efforts for himself as well as to inspire others. We had a great chat some time ago, and you can find it here. Here Sameer Bhide recounts, summarily, his journey so far and lessons learnt therefrom.
My life before stroke
I grew up in Mumbai and completed a commerce degree and played competitive badminton and cricket. I moved to the United States 31 years ago as a student to do my MBA. Then I worked for several companies for many years in different roles in technology. I played Racquetball and Tennis. I was a fan of Baseball and American Football. I enjoyed both Hollywood and Bollywood movies and music. Like many other immigrants, I was living the American dream…
When stroke happened….
On 31st January 2017 morning my left sinus started to hurt. I became dizzy. And then I started to sweat. My wife called 9-1-1. The paramedics arrived quickly in about 15-20 minutes – that might have saved my life. But my vitals were normal. They thought I might have a severe migraine headache. So, at this point nobody thought it was a stroke. I remember seeing the worried faces of my wife and older son. When they loaded me in the ambulance, I passed out. And my life changed forever…..
Stay in hospital….
After 2 brain surgeries and a month in a coma in the ICU followed by another month in the hospital, I was discharged. I had gained some physical strength, but mentally the thoughts of “Why Me” hounded me.
Therapies I did/ am doing…
I did different therapies in Western and Eastern medicine – physical, occupational, speech, vision, vestibular etc. All therapies helped me but the 4 which were the most beneficial to me were – physical therapy, yoga, meditation, and sessions with a psychologist.
Present status…
My strength and vision have improved 60-70% since my stroke, Mentally, I am in much better state than right after my stroke. I have slowly started doing some daily chores. Luckily there were no complications after my stroke. But my dizziness, headaches and balance issues have not improved at at all and are a continued challenge.
I started to travel on my own only last year. I walk with a cane whenever I go outside. When in my apartment I walk slowly without the cane.
Currently I am not working due to my dizziness, headaches and balance issues. I try to meet friends wherever and whenever possible. Friends are indeed precious.
My outlook on life now…
It is said that a stroke changes everything. My case is no different. I have started taking a very different view of life. I have realized I have become more compassionate. Not that I was not before – but it is much more now.
The future….
My intention is to continue writing full-time in the future, if my health allows it.
Everything has two sides…
Surprisingly I found that holds even for stroke. I discovered that I was a decent writer, started to cook a little by myself, got into the habit of regular workouts, got into a habit of reading more books (audiobooks in my case) and healthy eating. What I miss much, however, is not being able to engage in any sports or being able to drive a car.
Family matters…
Family is very important in supporting your physical as well as psychological recovery.
What personality traits help towards recovery …
- Acceptance
- Compassion
- Faith
Consultations I had and at present …
I do exercises at home and visit my neurologist every 6 months. But in my first two years, besides consulting with several neurologists, I also consulted an ENT, a neuro ophthalmologist, a vision therapy specialist, a Headache Specialist, and an Osteopath. I also talked regularly to a psychologist. It helped me a lot with reducing my emotional stress and to accept my reality.
On alternative therapies …
I am quite open to trying anything and see if it works. Some that seem to have helped me include :
- Different Ayurvedic Treatments/Massages : Panchakarma , Shiro Vasti Shirodhara, Marma Massage
- Yoga Exercises : Pranayam, Meditation
- Acupuncture
About caregivers…
Caregivers need compassion too. People around the caregivers need to make sure they have all the help they need to be able to be a caregiver – provide tools which make their tasks a little easier, provide cooked meals and rides, offer them breaks etc.
Some tips in closing ….
- Do not be tempted to compare your recovery with that of others. Keep in mind that every situation and adversity is different. Learn to accept that you will heal at your own pace.
- You cannot “play the victim” beyond a certain time. It’s okay to pity yourself initially, but that must stop quickly.
- There is no magic pill or potion, whether in Western or Eastern medicine, which offers a total cure.
- If you see some “fatigue” in caregivers and friends related to their involvement or intensity in your care or interaction, do not take it personally.
- Only you can determine if you can participate in certain activities. Listen to your heart and mind. Sometimes the heart wins over the mind; sometimes it is the other way around.
So this is Sameer’s journey so far. He has written a transformational memoir ” One Fine Day” which is his story of hope and resilience and how he has slowly tried to embrace his new normal with positivity, grace and gratitude. The memoir documents his experiences, lessons learned, and tips from his healing journey which will help stroke survivors and their families in building resilience to face their challenging situation. Find it on Amazon here .
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If you have limited/No information about Stroke, its symptoms and consequences, we STRONGLY suggest you read at least one of the following before you leave this Website, as well as share the links with your friends and family. You may save someone from sudden death or being crippled for life !
* Be fast – Stroke Symptoms in English with Videos of Actual Strokes
* स्ट्रोक (आघात) – हिंदी में कुछ जानकारी
* स्ट्रोक-के-साधारण-लक्षण
* In Bengali – Be Fast – দ্রুত !
* In Gujarati – જ્યારે સ્ટ્રોક આવે ત્યારે BE FAST
* In Marathi – BE FAST स्ट्रोक होतो तेव्हा !
* In Odiya – ଷ୍ଟ୍ରୋକ: ମୃତ୍ୟୁ ଅଥବା ଶାରୀରିକ/ମାନସିକ ଅସମର୍ଥ