Journey to Recovery – a chat with Tsgoyna Tanzman

* First became acquainted with stroke due to grandmother suffering a serious one and saw how it affected her speech, life and indeed the whole family dynamics. When she started working with patients later,realized that stroke recovery was mainly about finding the “WHY” – the fuel that motivates a person to take the extraordinary steps towards recovery.
* Presently a holistic Speech-Language Pathologist, Life Coach, author and speaker with more than 25 years experience. Has helped thousands of stroke survivors and their caregivers recover meaningful lives after stroke and brain injury. Well known speaker on managing stress, enhancing communications and improving well-being. Author of many books and blogs on stroke and mental health, including the very well received book “Hope after Stroke” , considered by some as ‘ the Stroke Bible’ , that should be in every hospital and rehab facility for stroke survivors and their caregivers.
* ​Some of the issues we will touch upon in this chat : importance of mindset, simple strategies for dealing with anxiety, depression, anger, frustration and hopelessness, when to seek medical help, and risks and caring for the caregiver.

This was a very nice chat. It has been put up at YouTube now. Following were some of the points we talked about :

  • A stroke is always an unplanned journey and every stroke survivor wants to go back to their “normal”. The three main aspects of this journey are mindset, strategy, and resources.
  • The mindset is the fuel of recovery. …a strong belief that recovery will happen.
  • Daily routine and the efforts therein is the strategy. It is very important to establish a routine. It builds predictability and aids in speech and developing skill sets. Start with at least 3 activities, one each to stimulate mental , spiritual and physical wellness.
  • Neuroplasticity – the more you do something, the better you will get at it. But can work in reverse manner too.. bad habits may also be easily formed.
  • Meditation (Kirtan Kriya- a 12 minutes practice) can help Stroke Survivors with gaining focus and attention which is important to develop any skill. It is a proven scientific activity.
  • Caregivers have to keep a balance between providing care and creating dependence, besides looking after themselves.Caregivers can be your family, friends, support groups. Ask for help.
  • Some aphasia tips to communicate better include face to face communication, observation of non- verbal gestures, allowing more time to respond, slowing down while speaking, offering choices with visuals and encouraging gesturing and pointing.
  • Spontaneous recovery happens generally one month after stroke, and thereafter fast recovery happens upto about 6 months. However, recovery never stops as long as efforts are there.
  • Sleep is a very important part of recovery.
  • Depression after stroke is frequent. Techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique/ Tapping (EFT) may help many. Medications also may be needed.

Here is the chat recording on YouTube:

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