( Please read this post COMPLETELY and finish all steps to be added to the group ! )
इस पोस्ट को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें।

We have Stroke and Aphasia Support Groups in Telegram / Whatsapp apps ( Telegram is preferred ) to make stronger the voice of stroke affected, and help all stroke affected. To elaborate , the groups are for Stroke Affected, their family caregivers and all public-minded stroke management professionals ( such as physiotherapists, doctors, SLPs..) who want to help. All of these may be located anywhere in the World.
We also have a separate group on Telegram for the Aphasia affected, for them to practice speech exercises.
The rules/norms /etiquette of behavior of all our groups are the same and can be found by clicking here.
Here is a short video from some members of their experience of the groups.
Steps for becoming member of our Telegram Group
Note that if any deficit prevents you from reading / understanding/completing the procedure herein, we request you to take help of any near your mobile phone to complete this one-time procedure.
Telegram is a better platform for our needs . If you don’ have it yet on your mobile device, click here for the android version and click here for the iOS Version. You can join the Telegram group only after you have installed the App on your Mobile Phone. The App is totally free, as is membership of our Groups.
For registering yourself, please provide data in the form hereunder. Please take care to provide the correct phone number, e-mail id and your Telegram user name since these may be required to contact you in future as well. Upon proper submission, you will get a “Thank you” message here itself. Further, if you wish to be added as a subscriber to this Website, also mention the same in the message box. You will be subscribed using the email id you provide here. Experts will be expected to frequently help with their expertise on the groups for which every one will be grateful. Thank you
NOTE for Aphasia Affected/ Family Caregivers/ Experts : We have a separate Telegram Group focusing only on Aphasia. If you are an affected/ family caregiver/ expert such as an SLP and want to join in that group, please DO mention the same in the message field. Also please DO Mention if you want to join in ONLY the Aphasia Group or BOTH the Aphasia and Stroke Support Group. You will be contacted accordingly.
NOTE FOR VOLUNTEERS : Volunteers at all times are most welcome as set out on this page. Please fill the same form as under, but DO mention in the message box under the ways you can help in our mission. Also mention if you do NOT want to be added to any group, but just want to help as a Volunteer. Thank you !
We may contact you on phone number and/or e-mail id mentioned by you and have a short discussion. Thereby we will send you your unique joining link by e-mail/Telegram/WhatsApp/SMS . Upon clicking on the same, we will allow you in the group.
Steps for becoming member of our WhatsApp Group
Firstly, please note that we strongly recommend all interested may please request addition to our Telegram group. But if that is not possible at all, you may ask for addition to our WhatsApp Group and we will do our best, depending upon space available.
For addition to our WhatsApp Group, if you have WhatsApp already installed on your mobile phone, please click here. It is the same as above, EXCEPT please give therein WhatsApp Mobile Number instead of Telegram User Name. Also , in the message field please make clear you want to be added to our WhatsApp group, in addition to providing information already requested.
If we have space available at the time, you will be contacted for a short discussion and then added manually by us to the Whatsapp group.
If you have limited/No information about Stroke, its symptoms and consequences, we STRONGLY suggest you read at least one of the following before you leave this Website, as well as share the links with your friends and family. You may save someone from sudden death or being crippled for life !
* Be fast – Stroke Symptoms in English with Videos of Actual Strokes
* स्ट्रोक (आघात) – हिंदी में कुछ जानकारी
* स्ट्रोक-के-साधारण-लक्षण
* In Bengali – Be Fast – দ্রুত !
* In Gujarati – જ્યારે સ્ટ્રોક આવે ત્યારે BE FAST
* In Marathi – BE FAST स्ट्रोक होतो तेव्हा !
* In Odiya – ଷ୍ଟ୍ରୋକ: ମୃତ୍ୟୁ ଅଥବା ଶାରୀରିକ/ମାନସିକ ଅସମର୍ଥ
Help us in our mission – save others from Stroke or help the stroke affected – donate using the button hereunder. Or directly click to https://rzp.io/l/strokesupport . Per provisions of Indian Income Tax Act. S. 80(g) you may also reduce your income tax.
Help maintain this Website with your Amazon Purchases. Click to : https://amzn.to/3tF5LJ5
As full disclosure, this is an Amazon Affiliate Link. Purchasing through this may generate a small commission for us.The price to you is the same.