On this post you will find flyers and posters that you may use anywhere you feel suitable.
Stroke can happen to any at any time, and awareness of stroke symptoms is very very low. So, indeed these posters may be put up at any public – or private – place. For instance , these may be put up at any doctor’s office, hospitals, chemists, physiotherapists, schools, colleges, old age homes and even backs of cars – and trucks !
We would very much like to hear from you where you have put up these posters- photos with addresses will be great- we may put such photos at this Website as well, and acknowledge also your great efforts !
Thank you VERY MUCH for all your help in the noble cause of raising stoke awareness and helping survivors and their families. We will keep on adding more here, including posters in different Indian languages. All posters are in A3 Size ( 420 mm X 297 mm) , and provided here both in PNG and PDF Format ( For ease in sizing, if need be )
Plain Half A4 Size leaflet

हिंदी में

In English

ਉਣਜਾਬੀ / ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਵਿਚ

In Tamil / தமிழில்

Invitation to join our Stroke Support Group ( A4 Size poster, in English)

Aphasia I Card Front

Aphasia I Card Back

Aphasia I Card – PDF
Aphasia Leaflet-1

Aphasia Leaflet -2

If you have limited/No information about Stroke, its symptoms and consequences, we STRONGLY suggest you read at least one of the following before you leave this Website, as well as share the links with your friends and family. You may save someone from sudden death or being crippled for life !
* Be fast – Stroke Symptoms in English with Videos of Actual Strokes
* स्ट्रोक (आघात) – हिंदी में कुछ जानकारी
* स्ट्रोक-के-साधारण-लक्षण
* In Bengali – Be Fast – দ্রুত !
* In Gujarati – જ્યારે સ્ટ્રોક આવે ત્યારે BE FAST
* In Marathi – BE FAST स्ट्रोक होतो तेव्हा !
* In Odiya – ଷ୍ଟ୍ରୋକ: ମୃତ୍ୟୁ ଅଥବା ଶାରୀରିକ/ମାନସିକ ଅସମର୍ଥ